This is a great idea. Every house should have a built in solar oven right in or near the kitchen. I know, that would mean the builder would have to consider functionality of the house instead of just appearance. One thing you could do is have a heater element in the oven just for the rainy days or at night. That way it would be your one oven in the kitchen. It's nice putting things in the solar oven in the morning and you don't have to worry about burning it. Something most people don't realize is that when you are cooking and there is water content in the food, then the food never gets over boiling temp. At sea level, that is 212 F. So, when you bake a chicken in the oven for an hour, it doesn't get over 212F until the moisture is gone. Of course, by then the chicken looks like the turkey on the "Christmas Vacation" movie with Chevy Chase. So, a solar oven will cook the ckicken, but it may take 4 or 5 hours to do it. When you look at a turkey thermometer, it doesn't show ready until about 190 F even though you are cooking at 375 F.
You can read more about them at these sites:
I have a bay type of window above my kitchen sink and have been wondering what to do with that space and this is probably the answer.